cppcode/colorfilteringIPOL.cpp File Reference

Various functions for RGB cube processing (including filtering and density computation). More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mdmath.h"
#include "miscIPOL.h"
#include "colorfilteringIPOL.h"
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struct  infoPixel
 Data structure containing RGB information for each image pixel. More...
struct  RGBpoint
 Data structure containg information of a color point in RGB space. More...
struct  RGBbin
 List of data structures of type RGBpoint. More...
struct  infoProjection
 Information about the projection of an RGB color point onto a line or plane. More...


int initialize_colorfiltering_data (unsigned char *R, unsigned char *G, unsigned char *B, int w, int h, struct RGBbin ****checkOut, struct infoPixel **infopixOut, struct infoPixel **infopixBOut, int **repeatedRGBOut, unsigned char ignore000)
 initialization of data structures for RGB cube processing
void delete_colorfiltering_data (struct RGBbin ***check, struct infoPixel *infopix, struct infoPixel *infopixB)
 free memory used to store temporary data structures
void add_neighboursRGB (float R0, float G0, float B0, struct RGBbin ***check, int iR, int iG, int iB, int rneigh, struct RGBpoint **firstneighIn, struct RGBpoint **lastneighIn, int &nneigh, int &nneighdiff)
 add RGB points to a list of neighbors of a given RGB point in a color image
struct RGBpointfind_neighboursRGB (float R0, float G0, float B0, struct RGBbin ***check, int rneigh, int nneighmax, int &nneigh, int &nneighdiff)
 create a list of neighbors of a given RGB point (RGB points at L1-distance smaller than a threshold) in a color image
void project_point (float R0, float G0, float B0, float &newR, float &newG, float &newB, float Rcm, float Gcm, float Bcm, float vx, float vy, float vz, unsigned char option)
 project RGB point onto a line or a plane
unsigned char get_projectionRGB (float R0, float G0, float B0, struct RGBpoint *firstneigh, struct infoProjection *infoproj, unsigned char option)
 get parameters of a local line or a plane in the neighborhood of a given RGB point (use PCA) and project the point onto the line (plane)
unsigned char find_projectionRGB (float R0, float G0, float B0, struct RGBbin ***check, struct infoProjection *infoproj, int rneigh, int nneighmin, unsigned char option)
 find the projection of a given RGB point, from a color image, onto a locally defined line or plane
void process_RGBpoint (float R0, float G0, float B0, unsigned char validprojection, struct RGBbin ***check, struct infoPixel *infopix, struct infoPixel *infopixB, struct infoProjection *infoproj, int rsim)
 update RGB values from the projection of initial RGB points onto local lines or planes
void reset_color_info (struct RGBbin ***check)
 reset data structures for a new iteration of the filtering algorithm
void compute_errors_it (struct infoPixel *infopix, struct infoPixel *infopixPrev, int w, int h, float &dprev, int *repeatedRGB)
 compute average difference between RGB values in current and previous iterations of the algorithm
void update_color_info (struct RGBbin ***check, struct infoPixel *infopix, int w, int h)
 update color information for a new iteration of the filtering algorithm
void get_output_image (unsigned char *outR, unsigned char *outG, unsigned char *outB, int w, int h, struct infoPixel *infopix)
 compute output image from updated RGB values
int colorfiltering (unsigned char *R, unsigned char *G, unsigned char *B, unsigned char *outR, unsigned char *outG, unsigned char *outB, int w, int h, struct paramColorFilter *param)
 Main function implementing the color filtering algorithm (LLP algorithm).
struct paramColorFilternew_colorfiltering_parameters (int rneigh, int rsim, int nneighmin, float eitmax, unsigned char option, unsigned char ignore000)
 Organize input parameters in a data structure.
void delete_colorfiltering_parameters (struct paramColorFilter *param)
 Delete input parameters data structure.
float *** RGBdensities (unsigned char *R, unsigned char *G, unsigned char *B, int w, int h, int rdst, float hdst, float &maxdst)
 Compute the density of the colors of an image.
void delete_RGBdensities (float ***dsts)
 Delete data structure containing density values.
void removeisolatedRGB (unsigned char *R, unsigned char *G, unsigned char *B, unsigned char *outR, unsigned char *outG, unsigned char *outB, int w, int h, int r, int nmin, int &nRGB, int &nisolatedRGB, int &nisolatedpixels)
 Filter out "isolated" colors in RGB space, that is, colors with a small number of neighbors.

Detailed Description

Various functions for RGB cube processing (including filtering and density computation).

Jose Luis Lisani; <joseluis.lisani@uib.es>

Definition in file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Function Documentation

void add_neighboursRGB ( float  R0,
float  G0,
float  B0,
struct RGBbin ***  check,
int  iR,
int  iG,
int  iB,
int  rneigh,
struct RGBpoint **  firstneighIn,
struct RGBpoint **  lastneighIn,
int &  nneigh,
int &  nneighdiff 

add RGB points to a list of neighbors of a given RGB point in a color image

Adds to the list all the colors of the image whose RGB coordinates are in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)

[in] R0,G0,B0 initial RGB point
[in] check check[iR][iG][iB] is a pointer to a RGBbin data structure that contains the list of pixels whose color is in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)
[in] rneigh threshold distance that defines the neighborhood around the initial RGB point
in/out] firstneighIn, lastneighIn pointers to the beginning and end of the list
[out] nneigh number of color points in the list (each point appears as many times as pixels in the image have this color)
[out] nneighdiff number of diferent colors in the list (without taking into account the number of times it is repeated in the image)

Definition at line 304 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int colorfiltering ( unsigned char *  R,
unsigned char *  G,
unsigned char *  B,
unsigned char *  outR,
unsigned char *  outG,
unsigned char *  outB,
int  w,
int  h,
struct paramColorFilter param 

Main function implementing the color filtering algorithm (LLP algorithm).

Algorithm description (LLP algorithm)

Image colors are considered as points in a 3D space, namely the color cube. The algorithm replaces each RGB color in the cube by its projection onto a line (or plane) locally defined. This line (or plane) is the one that better fits the spatial distribution of the colors in a neighborhood of the considered RGB point, and it is computed by Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Only points with a large enough number of neighboring colors are projected. The process is iterated until the average error between corresponding colors in consecutive iterations is below a threshold.

[in] R,G,B pointers to red, green and blue channels of the input image
[out] outR,outG,outB pointers to red, green and blue channels of the output image
[in] w,h width and height of the input (and output) images
[in] param data structure with the parameters of the algorithm:
param.rneigh radius of local neighborhood for computation of lines or planes
param.nneighmin minimum number of neighbors (number of different colors) needed to compute lines or planes
param.rsim speed up factor, the same line or plane computed for a given RGB point is used for its neighbors at L1-distance $ \leq $ rsim
param.eitmax stop criterion of the algorithm. The algorithm is iterated until the average difference of corresponding colors in two consecutive iterations is below eitmax
param.option 1 project to line, 2 project to plane
param.ignore000 if TRUE ignore (0,0,0) color points (eventually belonging to pixels discarded in a pre-processing step)
number of iterarations of the algorithm

Definition at line 1017 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void compute_errors_it ( struct infoPixel infopix,
struct infoPixel infopixPrev,
int  w,
int  h,
float &  dprev,
int *  repeatedRGB 

compute average difference between RGB values in current and previous iterations of the algorithm

[in] infopix,infoPrev information about the colors of the pixel in the current and previous iterations of the algorithm
[in] w,h dimensions of the input image (w*h = number of pixels)
[out] dprev average difference between current and previous iterations of the algorithm [in] repeatedRGB array of labels for the image pixels. Only one instance of each color has a label different from zero

This function is used in the main loop to decide whether further iterations are needed (if dprev is above a certain threshold)

Definition at line 845 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void delete_colorfiltering_data ( struct RGBbin ***  check,
struct infoPixel infopix,
struct infoPixel infopixB 

free memory used to store temporary data structures

Definition at line 256 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void delete_colorfiltering_parameters ( struct paramColorFilter param  ) 

Delete input parameters data structure.

Definition at line 1151 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void delete_RGBdensities ( float ***  dsts  ) 

Delete data structure containing density values.

Definition at line 1247 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

struct RGBpoint* find_neighboursRGB ( float  R0,
float  G0,
float  B0,
struct RGBbin ***  check,
int  rneigh,
int  nneighmax,
int &  nneigh,
int &  nneighdiff 
) [read]

create a list of neighbors of a given RGB point (RGB points at L1-distance smaller than a threshold) in a color image

[in] R0,G0,B0 initial RGB point
[in] check check[iR][iG][iB] is a pointer to a RGBbin data structure that contains the list of pixels whose color is in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)
[in] rneigh threshold distance that defines the neighborhood around the initial RGB point
[in] nneighmax if nneighmax > 0, maximum number of different RGB points in the list, otherwise do not limit the size of the list
[out] nneigh number of color points in the list (each point appears as many times as pixels in the image have this color)
[out] nneighdiff number of diferent colors in the list (without taking into account the number of times it is repeated in the image)

The list is filled by looking for neighbors at L1-distances 0, 1, 2,..., rneigh, until at least nneighmax different colors are found (in the case that nneighmax > 0), or until the maximum distance rneigh is reached (in the case that nneighmax <= 0)

pointer to the beginning of the list

Definition at line 376 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

unsigned char find_projectionRGB ( float  R0,
float  G0,
float  B0,
struct RGBbin ***  check,
struct infoProjection infoproj,
int  rneigh,
int  nneighmin,
unsigned char  option 

find the projection of a given RGB point, from a color image, onto a locally defined line or plane

The list of neighbors (RGB points at L1-distance below some threshold) of the considered point is first computed. Each RGB point appears in the list as many times as it is found in the image (=number of pixels with the same RGB value), however the number of different RGB points is also computed. If the number of different RGB points is large enough then Principal Components Analysis is used to compute the line or plane that better fits the spatial distribution of RGB points. Finally the original point is projected onto this line or plane.

[in] R0,G0,B0 initial RGB point
[in] check check[iR][iG][iB] is a pointer to a RGBbin data structure that contains the list of pixels whose color is in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)
[out] infoproj data structure containing the parameters of the line or plane and the projection of the initial point
[in] rneigh threshold distance that defines the neighborhood of the initial RGB point
[in] nneighmin minimum number of different RGB points needed to perform PCA and compute projection
[in] option if option=2 compute plane, otherwise compute line
See also:
0 if the point could not be projected, otherwise return 1 (projection onto line) o 2 (projection onto plane)

Definition at line 674 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void get_output_image ( unsigned char *  outR,
unsigned char *  outG,
unsigned char *  outB,
int  w,
int  h,
struct infoPixel infopix 

compute output image from updated RGB values

[in] outR,outG,outB color channels of the output image
[in] w,h dimensions of the output image
[in] infopix information about the colors of the pixel

Definition at line 939 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

unsigned char get_projectionRGB ( float  R0,
float  G0,
float  B0,
struct RGBpoint firstneigh,
struct infoProjection infoproj,
unsigned char  option 

get parameters of a local line or a plane in the neighborhood of a given RGB point (use PCA) and project the point onto the line (plane)

The spatial distribution of the RGB points in the neighborhood of the considered point (L1-distance below a given threshold), including the point itself, is analyzed using Principal Components Analysis. For this analysis, the frequency of the color point (i.e. the number of times it appears in the image) is taken into account

The output line (or plane) is defined by the first (or two first) principal components and passes through the center of mass of the considered RGB points

See also:
[in] R0,G0,B0 initial RGB point
[in] firstneigh pointer to the list of neighbors of the input point
[out] infoproj data structure containing the parameters of the line or plane and the projection of the initial point
[in] if option=2 compute plane, otherwise compute line
1 if projection to a line, 2 if projection to a plane

Definition at line 550 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int initialize_colorfiltering_data ( unsigned char *  R,
unsigned char *  G,
unsigned char *  B,
int  w,
int  h,
struct RGBbin ****  checkOut,
struct infoPixel **  infopixOut,
struct infoPixel **  infopixBOut,
int **  repeatedRGBOut,
unsigned char  ignore000 

initialization of data structures for RGB cube processing

[in] R,G,B pointers to red, green and blue channels of the input image
[out] checkOut checkOut[iR][iG][iB] is a pointer to a RGBbin data structure that contains the list of pixels whose color is in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)
[out] infopixOut infopixOut[k] is a pointer to a infoPixel data structure that contains information about the color of pixel k
[out] infopixOutB infopixOuBt[k] is a pointer to a infoPixel data structure that contains information about the color of pixel k
[out] repeatedRGBOut repeatedRGBOut[k] counts the number of occurrences of the color of ṕxel k, provided that pixel k is the first occurrence of the color, else repeatedRGBOut[k]=0
[in] ignore000 if ignore000=1 do not take into account pixels with (0, 0, 0) color (eventually excluded from processing after a preprocessing step)

Remark: Initially infopixOut and infopixOutB contain the same information, but as the algorithm iterates one of them is used to store the update information while the other keeps the old RGB values. Their role switches as the algorithm iterates.

number of colors in the image (always number of colors <= number of pixels)

Definition at line 161 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

struct paramColorFilter* new_colorfiltering_parameters ( int  rneigh,
int  rsim,
int  nneighmin,
float  eitmax,
unsigned char  option,
unsigned char  ignore000 
) [read]

Organize input parameters in a data structure.

[in] rneigh distance defining the neighborhood of a color point (neighbors are RGB points at L1-distance below rneigh)
[in] rsim distance defining a small neighborhood around each color point, it is used to speed up the algorithm. It must be much smaller than rneigh, typically rsim=rneigh/3
[in] nneighmin minimum number of neighbors needed to compute a local line or plane in the vicinity of a color point
[in] eitmax stop criterion of the algorithm. The algorithm is iterated until the average difference of corresponding colors in two consecutive iterations is below eitmax
[in] option project points to lines (option=1) or planes (option=2)
[in] ignore000 if set to 1, do not take into account pixels with (0,0,0) RGB value (eventually discarded for computation in a preprocessing step)
Data structure containing the input parameters

Definition at line 1129 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void process_RGBpoint ( float  R0,
float  G0,
float  B0,
unsigned char  validprojection,
struct RGBbin ***  check,
struct infoPixel infopix,
struct infoPixel infopixB,
struct infoProjection infoproj,
int  rsim 

update RGB values from the projection of initial RGB points onto local lines or planes

[in] R0,G0,B0 initial RGB point
[in] validprojection label indicating whether the point is projected to a line (1), a plane (2) or is not projected at all (0)
[in] check check[iR][iG][iB] is a pointer to a RGBbin data structure that contains the list of pixels whose color is in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)
[in] infopix information about the current colors of the pixels
[out] infopixB information about the updated colors of the pixels
[out] infoproj data structure containing the parameters of the line or plane and the projection of the initial point
[in] rsim speed up parameter, all the points in a neighborhood of radius rsim of a the initial color point are projected to the same line/plane

Definition at line 721 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void project_point ( float  R0,
float  G0,
float  B0,
float &  newR,
float &  newG,
float &  newB,
float  Rcm,
float  Gcm,
float  Bcm,
float  vx,
float  vy,
float  vz,
unsigned char  option 

project RGB point onto a line or a plane

[in] R0,G0,B0 coordinates of the initial RGB point
[out] newR,newG,newB coordinates of the projected point
[in] Rcm,Gcm,Bcm point coordinates of a point contained in the line or plane
[in] vx,vy,vy coordinates of the unitary direction vector of the line, or the orthonormal vector to the plane
[in] option option=1 project to line, otherwise project to plane

Definition at line 493 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void removeisolatedRGB ( unsigned char *  R,
unsigned char *  G,
unsigned char *  B,
unsigned char *  outR,
unsigned char *  outG,
unsigned char *  outB,
int  w,
int  h,
int  r,
int  nmin,
int &  nRGB,
int &  nisolatedRGB,
int &  nisolatedpixels 

Filter out "isolated" colors in RGB space, that is, colors with a small number of neighbors.

The result is an image identical to the original, except at the pixels with "isolated" colors, whose value has been replace by (0, 0, 0). The number of neighbors of a pixel is the number of color points at L1-distance below some threshold. Each color appears in the list of neighbors as many times as it is present in the image (i.e. the frequency of the color is taken into account in the computations).

[in] R,G,B color channels of the input image
[out] outR,outG,outB color channels of the output image
[in] w,h dimensions of input and output images
[in] r radius of the neighborhood around each color point
[in] nmin threshold for the minimum number of neighboring color points needed to decide that a color is not "isolated"
[out] nRGB number of colors in input image
[out] nisolatedRGB number of "isolated" colors
[out] nisolatedpixels number of pixel with "isolated" color

Definition at line 1284 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void reset_color_info ( struct RGBbin ***  check  ) 

reset data structures for a new iteration of the filtering algorithm

[in] check check[iR][iG][iB] is a pointer to a RGBbin data structure that contains the list of pixels whose color is in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)

Definition at line 809 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float*** RGBdensities ( unsigned char *  R,
unsigned char *  G,
unsigned char *  B,
int  w,
int  h,
int  rdst,
float  hdst,
float &  maxdst 

Compute the density of the colors of an image.

The density of a color C (in RGB space) is defined as

\[ \delta(C)=\sum_{C' \in {\cal S}} e^{-d(C, C')^2/h^2} \]

where $ {\cal S} $ is the set of neighbors of C $ d(C, C') $ is the Euclidean distance between colors C and C' in RGB space and $ h $ is a weighting parameter

The set of neighbors of a color C is composed of all the colors at L1-distance below some threshold $ r $. Each color appears in the set of neighbors as many times as it is present in the image (i.e. the frequency of the color is taken into account in the computations). Tipically the weighting parameter is $ h = r/\sqrt{2} $ so the weight of the furthest neighbors is $ e^{-2}=0.135 $

[in] R,G,B color channels of the image
[in] w,h dimensions of the image
[in] rdst radius of the neighbor around each color point
[in] hdst weighting parameter
[out] maxdst maximum density value
density of each RGB point of the image

Definition at line 1186 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void update_color_info ( struct RGBbin ***  check,
struct infoPixel infopix,
int  w,
int  h 

update color information for a new iteration of the filtering algorithm

[in] check check[iR][iG][iB] is a pointer to a RGBbin data structure that contains the list of pixels whose color is in the range [iR, iR+1), [iG, iG+1), [iB, iB+1)
[in] infopix information about the colors of the pixel
[in] w,h dimensions of the input image (w*h = number of pixels)

Definition at line 884 of file colorfilteringIPOL.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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