- published
- 2017-07-18
- reference
- Alasdair Newson, Noura Faraj, Bruno Galerne, and Julie Delon, Realistic Film Grain Rendering, Image Processing On Line, 7 (2017), pp. 165–183. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2017.192
Communicated by Mauricio Delbracio
Demo edited by Noura Faraj, Nelson Monzón
Film grain is the unique texture which results from the silver halide based analog photographic process. Film emulsions are made up of microscopic photo-sensitive silver grains, and the fluctuating density of these grains leads to what is known as film grain. This texture is valued by photographers and film directors for its artistic value. We present two implementations of a film grain rendering algorithm based on a physically realistic film grain model. The rendering algorithm uses a Monte Carlo simulation to determine the value of each output rendered pixel. A significant advantage of using this model is that the images can be rendered at any resolution, so that arbitrary zoom factors are possible, even to the point where the individual grains can be observed. We provide a method to choose the best implementation automatically, with respect to execution time.
- full text manuscript: PDF low-res. (1M) PDF (66.5M) [?]
- source code: TAR/GZ
- on April 26, 2018 a minor change in the README.txt file of the source code was made regarding the installation of PNG and TIFF libraries on Linux systems.
- Note from the editor: the manuscript of the article was modified on 2022-01-01 to include information about its editors. The original version of the manuscript is available here.