Single Date Wind Turbine Detection on Sentinel-2 Optical Images
Nicolas Mandroux, Tristan Dagobert, Sébastien Drouyer, Rafael Grompone von Gioi
Nicolas Mandroux, Tristan Dagobert, Sébastien Drouyer, and Rafael Grompone von Gioi, Single Date Wind Turbine Detection on Sentinel-2 Optical Images, Image Processing On Line, 12 (2022), pp. 198–217.

Communicated by Gregory Randall
Demo edited by Nicolas Mandroux


ESA's Sentinel-2 satellites have been in orbit for six years, acquiring massive amounts of data all over the world. They are a formidable tool for mass detection as they are freely available and cover the entire world. Given their future role in the energetic transition and their spread over countries or continents, wind turbines are natural candidates for such studies. We detail the implementation of a single-date automatic wind turbine detector for low resolution optical satellite images based on an a contrario approach, exploiting the geometry of wind turbines' shadows and hubs.
