Cloud Detection by Luminance and Inter-band Parallax Analysis for Pushbroom Satellite Imagers
Tristan Dagobert, Rafael Grompone von Gioi, Carlo de Franchis, Jean-Michel Morel, Charles Hessel
Tristan Dagobert, Rafael Grompone von Gioi, Carlo de Franchis, Jean-Michel Morel, and Charles Hessel, Cloud Detection by Luminance and Inter-band Parallax Analysis for Pushbroom Satellite Imagers, Image Processing On Line, 10 (2020), pp. 167–190.

Communicated by Charles Hessel
Demo edited by Tristan Dagobert


This paper proposes a cloud detection algorithm for Earth observation images obtained by pushbroom satellite imagers. The pushbroom technology induces an inter-band acquisition delay leading to a parallax effect for the clouds. We propose a method exploiting this characteristic thanks to the analysis of the inter-band disparity. Several other features discriminating clouds are also defined and all are merged to build a robust a contrario statistical decision. Experiments applied on scenes acquired by various pushbroom satellites such as Sentinel-2, RapidEye and WorldView-2 show the effectiveness of the proposed method. In particular, we demonstrate a balanced accuracy rate close to 98% for cloud and non cloud classification for Sentinel-2 images.


Non-Reviewed Supplementary Materials

These files and information are provided by the authors and have not been reviewed.

It consists of 9854 RGB patches of size 366x366, extracted from the original tiles of size 10980x10980 with their associated ground truth.
